The course introduces gender, and intersectional dimensions and women’s and youth’s empowerment as the core human and social values perceived in the agroecological framework The content of the course reflects SDGs and Agenda 2030 as well as challenges and opportunities coming from experience with the global pandemia of Covid-19. The theoretical view will provide perception, policy and legislative framework at the macro level, while practical cases will go more in detail about direct interventions and their perception/impact at the community and households level. A special focus is given to the ways and tools of evaluating and communicating gender. Self-study materials include the below literature sources as well as the study text, which will be provided through the online platform, together with interactive study tools.
The content of the course:
- Introduction to gender and intersectionality dimension in the Agroecology framework. Definition. Terminology.
- Gender plays various roles – in sociological concepts, development approaches, operation strategy and analytical methods.
- Gender and communication for development. Women‘s empowerment and ways of assessment and integration.
- Rural women, youth, elderly and people with disabilities in agriculture.
- Policy and legal framework. Beijing conference.
- Land tenure from a gender perspective.
- Analysing the context and subject from gender and intersectional perspective
- Designing gender-sensitive communication
- Measuring Women’s empowerment
- Gender as a crosscutting issue in developing the MEL system
- Analysis of case studies from Sub-Saharan Africa
- Analysis of case studies from Asia and Latin America.